Hi, I'm Mustafa.

I'm a Software Developer

I'm a recent computer engineering graduate from Abdullah Gul University that has spent most of his time building projects. I have had experience on developing backend services, websites, mobile applications and games. I am focused on improving my skills and learning new technologies everyday. Let's connect!

Mustafa Ceylan | Software Developer


Hello! I'm Mustafa Ceylan, and I'm a recent computer engineering graduate with extensive experience developing a wide range of projects across diverse technology stacks.

I have experience working in both the backend and frontend in web development and mobile development, with a focus on backend development. I'm passionate about creating beautiful, responsive websites that provide a great user experience backed up by optimized industry standard backend services.

My skills include C#, .NET, ASP.NET, SpringBoot, NodeJS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript,and React for web and flutter and firebase technologies for mobile development.

When I'm not coding, I enjoy experimenting with local AI models such as Mistral8b, Stable Diffusion 1.5/XL, and lately FLUX 1.0 dev/schnell. I believe that maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for staying productive and motivated.

I'm always looking for new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow as a developer. If you're interested in working together or have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch! 🔗

I Use

.NETC#ASP.NETEntity FrameworkMS SQL ServerLINQDevExpressSpring BootJavaNodeJSJavaScriptTypeScriptHTMLCSSTailwind CSSReactNextjsPostgreSQLMySQLMongoDBFirebaseGitHubUnity


An image of the Dream Shaper project.

Dream Shaper

Spring Boot - Java

Backend service for an online platform that offers text to image generation and sharing.
Learn more >

An image of the Convertly project.


Spring Boot - Java - Python - React - TailwindCss - NextJs

An api service and frontend for file conversion for multiple file types such as pdf, docx, png, jpg, pptx, txt.
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An image of the Sport Elite project.

Sport Elite

Flutter - Dart - Sqflite - Firebase - Firestore

A group project that offers a mobile app. It provides a platform for trainers and trainees to connect.
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An image of the Your Place Pixel Battle

Your Place Pixel Battle

NodeJS - JavaScript

A mobile game where players can place different color pixels on a shared canvas. Canvas is shared among all players and it is updated in realtime for all players.
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An image of the CoinTalk project.


Flutter - Dart - Sqflite - Firebase - Firestore

CoinTalk is a coin tracking and communication app for crypto investors. App provides users to track the price over different time periods and discuss over the future of the said coin.
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An image of the Potodoro project.


Flutter - Dart - Sqflite

An app that aims to increase the productivity and effectiveness of people who sit at a desk for long periods.
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An image of the Throw and Merge - 2048 blocks project.

Throw and Merge - 2048 blocks

C# - Unity

A mobile game that lets user throw number blocks that are multiples of 2 and merges once 2 of the same numbered blocks collide and reach a new maximum.
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An image of the Color Switch Multiplier project.

Color Switch Multiplier

C# - Unity

A mobile game that is inspired by the popular game Color Switch. The game has a twist where the player has to collect multipliers to increase the amount of squares they collect to pass the level.
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Ferre Femas
May 2024 - September 2024
Software Developer
Kayseri, Turkey

Developed and maintained full-stack web application and DevExpress desktop application using ASP.NET. Used entity framework for database interactions with LINQ queries. Created technical documentation for services and applications. Worked with Microsoft SQL Server in integration with .net application.

.NETC#ASP.NETDevExpressEntity FrameworkLINQMS SQL Server
Perga Software
June 2023 - August 2023
Spring Boot Developer
Kayseri, Turkey

I contributed to a Spring Boot project that provided storage and management systems for local pharmacies. Worked with a team of web developers using agile development methodologies to ensure iterative progress and continuous improvement.

Spring BootMavenJavaHibernateSpring Data JPAPostgreSQLMavenAgile
VIITA Technologies
June 2022 - August 2022
Flutter Developer
Kayseri, Turkey

I helped build messaging and authentication systems for a mobile application using firebase and flutter. Worked in an agile environment.

FlutterDartFirebaseGitFirestoreAgile Development


Send me an email if you want to connect! You can also find me on Linkedin.